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Complete grep commands in Linux with examples

Certainly! Here are some more grep commands with examples:


1. Search for a pattern in multiple files:

grep pattern file1 file2 file3

2. Search for a whole word:

grep -w wholeword filename

3. Search recursively and display only filenames:

grep -r -l pattern directory

4. Count the number of lines that match a pattern in multiple files:

grep -c pattern file1 file2

5. Display the line number and content for each matching line:

grep -n pattern filename

6. Search for lines that start with a specific pattern:

grep '^pattern' filename

7. Search for lines that end with a specific pattern:

grep 'pattern$' filename

8. Search for lines that start with one pattern and end with another:

grep '^start_pattern.*end_pattern$' filename

9. Search for lines that do not contain a pattern:

grep -v pattern filename

10. Search for lines that match one of multiple patterns:

grep -e pattern1 -e pattern2 filename

11. Case-insensitive search and display matching lines:

grep -i pattern filename

12. Display only the matched part of the line (using capturing groups):

grep -oE 'pattern1(pattern2)pattern3' filename

13. Search for lines containing any character from a specified set:

grep '[aeiou]' filename

14. Search for lines not containing any character from a specified set:

grep '[^0-9]' filename

15. Display lines that match multiple patterns in any order:

grep -e pattern1 -e pattern2 filename | grep -e pattern3


These examples cover a range of scenarios for using grep in different ways. Feel free to adapt them to your specific needs, and always refer to the grep manual (man grep) for more details and options.


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